Monday, June 27, 2011

and for all you know, this could be.

along with my family and friends, you always encouraged my writing, my finishing my book one day, and always read and were excited about my writing, too. after a month or so of little, if any, writing, i'm finally finding my way back to it again. i've spent a lot of time with my book this past week, reading through it, adding to it, thinking about it and growing excited by it once again.

tonight, i came across something i wrote in the book almost a year ago and thought i'd share.

"i guess your heart renews itself, piece by piece, and only piece by piece, as you’re ready for it. 'today,' says your heart, 'you’re ready for independence; today, you’re ready for forgiveness; now, you’re ready for moving forward'; and on and on until your heart is finally repaired and ready for its grand reopening.."

even though i wrote this during an altogether different time in my life last year, i know the same idea applies now. today, you're ready for remembrance, for settling in, for putting the final pieces in place.

i feel like, now that you are gone, we're called to live our lives more completely, to live our lives twice as well, as if to make up for the time you lost. i know, if you were here, you'd still be encouraging me to write and to finish my book, just as my family and friends do now. in many ways, i still feel you encouraging me, to keep on, to make sure i've got it all down. and i'll keep doing just that, knowing in some way, you'll keep reading.

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