Tuesday, June 1, 2010

make a time to find your way.

so, i'm at work right now, but there's nothing to do. lots o' empty rooms on the floor tonight, which means fewer patients for each nurse and less to do. so, here i am.

i've been thinking about what i should use this blog for. i started writing about my 13 commandments a while back, but i've now written about all 13 of them, and i feel like i should pick something else to center this blog around.

any ideas? would love to hear from you all.

on another note. i can't believe it's june already. this year continues to fly by, but the best part is every moment has been full this year. i can genuinely say that. and i'm feeling more and more settled myself.

i called this blog "an altogether different place" because, after everything that happened last year, i found myself, emotionally, in a different place, and i used this blog and writing as ways to move and grow through it all. months later, i find myself in another altogether different place, having moved on and having grown up thanks to 2009. but i know there's more to come and more room to grow.

i've always been a planner, a dreamer. 2010 has been different, though, and i've been able to really be here instead of wondering what comes next. i guess that's how i've changed the most.

still, i've been thinking of this blog, and i need ideas. stat! (ha. hey, i'm at the hospital. had to thrown that in there). hm. where to go next - writing-wise. all i know is, i love my life, i love writing, and the best i know to do is to just keep writing about what i love.


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